€15 / person
€40 / team
(paid by cash on spot!)
€20 person/night without a meal.
€12 / person
Please see detailed fees on this page (paid by cash on spot!)
Bank details (if your fee is more the €50!):
Name of account: MKSZ
Hungarian Kendo Federation (MKSZ) Address: 1073 Budapest,Dob u. 80.
Bank Address: Magnet Bank, Andrássy út 98, 1062
Account number €: 16200216-17082408
IBAN Code: HU25 1620 0216 1708 2408 0000 0000
PLEASE write a note: HKC+your name+name of Citiy+name of dojo
The HKF dan exam & team competition fee must be paid by cash at the registration desk.
Please transfer the exact fee and bare all bank charges, otherwise we going to ask you to pay the difference on location. All SEPA style bank transfer usually has 4,50€ extra charges!
Mihalik Hunor
Chief Organizer
Mobile: 00 36 20 460 2565
Email: info[at]hungarykendocup.hu
Site: www.hungarykendocup.hu